Taking a long-view of tweeting – an example looking at @HelenBevan’s account

Introduction: A few days ago I contacted Helen Bevan to share a social network map of her tweets over a period of almost 2 years. Helen has been a great source of support over the past 5+ years after we met in social media discussions about quality improvement and then in person with the Q Community.

I had run this most recent map of Helen’s tweets as an experiment to look at long range tweeting. Usually it is only possible to look at a few days of tweets. However Twitter allows you to extract tweets over a longer period if looking at a single account, providing access to up to 3,200 tweets and retweets. Helen is well known as one of the UK’s top healthcare tweeters. She is also very supportive of colleagues from across the world, reading and commenting on others’ tweets and blogs and is quick to share useful content with her 86,000+ followers. Mapping her social network connections would help her understand her audience and the content that had most impact. Helen tweeted my map. The map intrigued and confused some of Helen’s followers, so I have posted a blog on this analysis. (The blog is also available as a PDF file; there is also a PDF version of the associated Wakelet summary).

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